State Electrical Exam Prep

Burned Down on the State Electrical Exam Prep?

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State Electrical Exam Prep


Must have formulas for your electrical exam

State Electrical Exam Prep Tip#1


In our state electrical exam prep seminars we tell our students to write down everything they remember from the exam so they can review what they may have missed.  This is especially important if you fail the exam.


Sounds easy right?  I tell everyone to carry a notepad and a pen so they can brain dump. I tell them to do this in the parking lot before they even start their truck.


Anything that comes to mind is useful to you for later.  Keywords, page numbers, answer choices that stumped you, articles of the NEC that you dealt with.  


This information helps you review your notes and come to us with questions so we can help you understand that material for the retest.


State Electrical Exam Prep Student


One of our students who failed the exam tried to follow our advice of brain dumping.  However, he shut down after the test.


He saw some questions he had to skip over.  He was afraid of running out of time by sticking to the same question.  That was so smart of him! We always say to mark and skip the hard questions and come back to them later.


In his case he had too many marked & skipped questions.  He wasn’t able to get any traction in a few questions. He said it was hard for him to understand what they were even asking him, so it was kinda hard to remember the questions.


If this happens to you, just try to recall a word or keyword so we can help you figure out what you missed.  Some questions will have you search for words in the code book, or some will involve calculations or deal with Ohm's law.  


You may even get stuck finding the information you know from the NEC book!  This student says, 


 “There was probably a good four to five that I knew were definitions or I could find the answer located somewhere in the book like the rest but I just could not find where to go and get the answer.”


That's fair. That's probably exactly how it goes for most people.  They come back from the test, and I mean after a while they just kind of get burned down on it anyway. But sometimes there are questions where you might not even understand what they're even asking you then it's kind of hard to brain dump later.  Just do what you can.

State Electrical Exam Prep Retake


It’s OK if that happens, do not worry about failing the second time. The first exam helps you see what the actual testing conditions will be like and what the general exam looks like.  The second time around you will have clarified on the subjects you missed and know what to expect when you sit down for it again.


This is a great reason why you should invest in a state electrical exam prep seminar.


State Electrical Exam Prep Tip #2


Remember to hold on to your score report, so we can go over it together.  We do tutoring over the phone/Skype if you take our seminar and fail. Or, you can return to our seminar at no additional cost.


Check out our list of state electrical exam prep seminars coming up this year in the calendar below.


Best of luck!

Seminars in Texas - Calendar

Learn about the exam prep seminars

This 2-day seminar will guide you step-by-step on the formulas, calculations, code sections, index practice, and guides that are essential knowledge for passing the exam.

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