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With many electrician study guides in the market it is hard for some people to decide which one to take on. You will not find an electrician study guide that will be word for word identical to the actual exam you are about to take. I had to get that out of the way.
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Electrician Study Guide
The authors of the electrician study guide try to set up their guides so that it helps you see what to expect in the coming exam.
The practice exam questions are formatted to prepare you. Even "tricky questions" are thrown into the electrician study guide. The multiple choices on the study guides are done so that they mimic the way they are presented in the real exam.
Most of the study guides in the market are generalized for the whole nation. Usually, each state or municipal council has their own way of doing the exams, but they all similar in the end. The subject areas may differ from state to state, however in general they're all the same.
We also provide you with a study guide if you come to our two-day seminar in Texas. You can find more information here.
Pick an electrician study guide with quizzes and exams practice exams. The practice exams are designed so that you can time yourself and let yourself take the test as if you were really taking it at the exam.
You won't see the answer until you look at the answer guide. The quizzes or the instructional practice study guides does have the answer following each question.
Apply these techniques to the electrician study guide to help you prepare for the exam
Take a practice exam from the electrician study guide first.
Time yourself based on what your state exam allows you. If they allow three hours then time yourself for three hours. Turn off your phone, close the door & have no distractions. If you are able to go to the library - put on some headphones to block out some of the noise around you. Crack open your books and start your timer. The only thing that you are allowed to bring into the test center is a straight edge ruler & a basic calculator so use those.
Once you take that first practice exam, grade yourself. See what areas were easy for you and what areas were difficult for you.
The next thing you want to do is start studying the areas that you had trouble with. Don't spend too much time on them yet because that's just to review based on your first practice exam. Take a couple of days to go over some of the subject areas then go back and take a quiz.
Take a quiz from the electrician study guide
Time yourself and then grade yourself. After you grade yourself, you can go over the areas that you didn't do so well in. Hopefully these are the same areas as the first practice exam, but on the harder subject areas. The electrician study guide will come with explanations on how they arrived to the answer.
Start the electrician study guide from the beginning
As you go through the questions and you see keywords throughout the questions that you're going over, highlight those keywords on your book. Do not highlight the entire sentence of your articles in your in your book. Only focus on highlighting key words, article titles, part section numbers, and table names.
Read these blogs on how to mark up your NEC book. (highlights and such)
Take another couple of days to go over the study guide part of the book then take another test and see where you stand today. Electrician study guides usually come with two to three different exams.
Do not focus on memorizing questions! Like I said before, the authors are not going to give you the questions word by word - is it is illegal. If you want to memorize something, memorize the layout of the book. Memorize the titles of the Articles and memorize your ohm's and pie chart & formulas.
Pass the test!
Applying these electrician study guide techniques will make your time worth it and you will save money frustrations and time. You will save money because when you pass the exam you don't have to retake it and pay for it all over again.
Remember that you only have one year to complete the exam to get your license issued so don't spend too much time on this get it done. If you are not sure that you can study on your own there is support for you out there. Click here to learn more about our seminars.
If you do not have access to our seminars or if you live outside of Texas, we have a real instructor that can meet with you face to face online. He can tutor you on the areas that you are having trouble preparing with.
Those of you in Texas, you must come to our two-day seminar and see firsthand how hundreds and hundreds of electricians have passed since 2008.
Good luck and Let us know how you do.
These tips and many more can be found on our Live Texas Seminars - Click here for registration information and more
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