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Self-Discipline comes easy for a lot of people, if you find it hard to focus on preparing for the electrical exam, read this. You too can develop the self-discipline you need to get this done.
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It’s a possibility that you will have times when you will doubt your ability to take and pass the electrical exam. You know you are ready to move up in your career but are you ready to prove it?
Sadly the exam doesn’t exactly test to see if you are a good worker on the field. There are questions in the exam that don’t necessarily have much to do with what you’ve experienced the past few years. Still, the only thing standing in the way is the electrician license exam.
We have written a number of articles with exam prep tips, articles to pay attention to and tables to learn, but this article is a bit different. This article is to help you focus on your task at hand and crush it.
Here is how you can have the self-discipline to prepare for the electrical exam and pass it!
1. You must set a clear goal and understand its purpose.
Right now your goal is to take and pass the electrical exam. Why? So you can get your electrical license. Why? That answer is up to you.
Many electricians want to receive their electrical license to earn more money. Some want their Master electrician license so they can become their own boss.
There are many many personal reasons why someone wants their license. Write your reason and put it up in your truck, your study area, and stick it on the cover of your NEC book.
2. Seek out a mentor or a role model.
You have met many people in the field from all types of backgrounds. Find someone that has achieved what you are trying to achieve.
Having a role model provides proof that you too can achieve what they have. Maybe their struggles are similar to yours but yet they overcame barriers and passed their exam. Let their determination rub off on you.
3. Use visualization.
This isn’t about meditating or joining a Yoga class. Although this couldn’t hurt either. But when you visualize, studies have shown that your brain does not know the difference between visualization and reality.
If you engage as many of your five senses as you can and visualize yourself passing the exam, you have a higher chance of passing. Why? Because when you engage your imagination and visualize you unlock emotions tied to those you’ll feel when you actually pass the exam.
Ask any great athlete if they know anything about visualization and you’ll be surprised to know that at least 98% of them engage in visualization before a major game.
4. You must adopt a “growth mindset”.
In short, people who have a growth mindset believe that they can learn to do something instead of believing you are either born with a talent or without it.
If you have a fixed mindset you will say things like, “Well he is naturally good at math and that’s what helped him pass the exam.” But when you adopt a growth mindset you are giving yourself the power to learn what you aren’t yet great at. You will start thinking, “I’m pretty bad at math, but I will learn.”
5. People with self-discipline have a strong belief in themselves.
Work on getting your confidence up. This is going to help you take any failures you encounter as lessons. Thus helping you pass any hurdles thrown your way and finally reaching your goals.
6. Plan and organize your goals.
To develop the self-discipline you want to pass the electrical exam, you need to be organized. Plan and organize your goals so you can hit it in steps or chunks. Don’t forget to revisit your purpose for this goal that you wrote in step one to keep you disciplined and motivated.
Your plan could look something like this.
- Apply for the electrical exam with TDLR.
- Download the PSI Exams Candidate Handbook.
- Buy the NEC Softbound book.
- Enroll in the PSI Exam Prep Seminar.
- Complete the homework provided by the seminar instructor.
- Schedule my exam.
- Run a Mock/Practice Exam.
- Work on the weak subjects.
- Run a final mock/practice exam.
- Take the exam.
7. Have the ability to learn what you need to reach your goals.
When you have self-discipline, you will do whatever it takes to reach your goals. If you don’t know how to reach your goal, you must go out and learn how. This can be accomplished by enrolling in our seminar or ordering workbooks.
8. Time is going to pass – keep working on your goals anyway.
We know that many electricians apply for their license but don’t get around to taking the exam. There are many reasons for this and we all know that life happens.
However, the difference is that time is going pass, and life is going to happen, but to reach your goals, you have to stay in it.
If impatience is what keeps you from goals, here is a little tip for you. Set yourself some time each day, be it 5 minutes or 30 minutes. On your phone, name your Alarm “Use time or lose time”. This is to remind you that if you don’t use this time to chisel away at your goal, it will never happen.
9. Be Persistent.
People who have self-discipline are very stubborn about their goals. This is the best time to be stubborn.
10. Find pleasure in your exam prep journey.
This last one is a bit tricky but is one of the characteristics of people with self-discipline. That is why in our seminars we keep things light and as fun as we can. One, to keep people from dozing off. Two, because we know that studying the code book is not that exciting. Find a way to find pleasure in your journey.
Self-discipline will help you reach your goals. Determination, stubbornness and razor focus is what it takes. If you found value in this article, share it with everyone you know. We hope this helps you get closer to your goals.
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