Unless an exam question in the master electrical exam or the journeyman electrical exam specifically states that it includes a code exception, do not base your answer on any exceptions. The most correct answer is one which does not take exceptions into account, unless you are instructed to do so.
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Electrical Exam Prep Tip #149- Maximum Allowable Requirements
When reading electrical exam questions which are describing maximum allowable requirements, look for key words or phrases that include: no greater than, most, greatest, highest, and shall not exceed. The master electrical exam and the journeyman electrical exam will have several questions in this similar format. Pay close attention.
Electrical Exam Prep Tip #148 – Minimum Allowable Installations
When reading an electrical exam question which describes minimum allowable installations, you will find key words and phrases such as: at least, no less than, and smallest allowable. These types of questions frequently appear in the master electrical exam and the journeyman electrical exam. Don’t be fooled.