Helpful Tip #147 General Electrical Standards These four chapters from the National Electrical Code Book ® NFPA include general electrical standards that apply to ALL installations. Chapter 1: General Chapter 2: Wiring and Protection Chapter 3: Wiring Methods and Materials Chapter 4: Equipment for General Use This will be helpful to know when you are […]
Category Archives: Sticky Note Tip Series
Electrical Exam Prep Tip #148 – Minimum Allowable Installations
Helpful Tip #148 Minimum Allowable Installations When reading an electrical exam question which describes minimum allowable installations, you will find key words and phrases such as: at least, no less than, and smallest allowable. These types of questions frequently appear in the master electrical exam and the journeyman electrical exam. Don’t be fooled. Get […]
Electrical Exam Prep Tip #127- Approved Reference Book
The Texas PSI examination questions are based on the 2014 bound edition as of the writing of this blog. The NEC HANDBOOK is not allowed in the examination room. If you are taking the master electrical exam or the journeyman electrical exam in the state of Texas you are allowed to take the National […]
How to Identify Keywords in the Test Questions & Where to Find Them in the Code Book
Many keywords are more in the context of the question, or installation clues than there are truly bold-outright key words in the test question. When you are taking the electrical exam in Texas, you will have some questions that don’t have an obvious keyword for you to look up in the back of the book […]
Electrical Exam Prep Tip #143- PSI Exam Information Bulletin
The PSI electrician exam bulletin is available for download below. The exam proctor has an “Examiner or Candidate Bulletin”. In this bulletin you will find information such as what is allowed into the exam room, what reference materials to bring, the length and time limit of the exam and finally the subject areas which tells […]
Electrical Exam Prep Tip #135: Choosing the Right Exam Prep Programs
When looking for an exam prep program ask yourself the following: Is the program long enough or the correct speed for me to cover the topics what I’ll be tested on? Does the program cover all the areas on my specific electrical exam? Is the program taught by an actual instructor? Will I […]
Electrical Exam Prep Tip #113 – Ohm’s Law
OHM’s law and our pie chart are the only calculations and formula that the test taker should focus on. P divided by Current (I) times the Voltage (E) is used for calculating demand loads, calculating transformers, calculating services, calculating the minimum number of circuits required for a particular dwelling/occupancy, and in calculating a wire size […]
Electrical Exam Prep Tip #112: Transformer Questions
Transformer questions are actually quite simple, however the state exam writers intentionally include a lot of distracting information. The unprepared test taker will read too much into a transformer question and then draw a complete blank. However, if it asks to size the maximum or minimum short circuit, ground-fault, or any other over current protection […]
Electrical Exam Prep Tip #111 – Transformer Questions
When dealing with a transformer question the test taker must determine whether or not the question is a calculation question that involves the sizing of over current protection devices, or is simply just a question using Ohms Law to size the transformer.
Electrical Exam Prep Tip #110 – Conductor Mistakes
BE CAREFUL HOW THEY WORD THE NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS. They note that “A 250 kcmil …. Conductor … WITH (3) other similar conductors…” therefore we are actually dealing with a total of 4 conductors. This is a common wording used by the state exam writers and it causes many test takers to be fooled.